Stacey Bellman has been teaching for 24 years total with 19 years at Fredericktown Schools!
In 3rd grade Stacey Bellman had an amazing teacher who inspired her. Since then, she knew she wanted to be a teacher, just like her elementary teacher.
Mrs. Bellman has 3 specific hobbies: reading, cheering on her kids when they’re doing sports, and spending time with her family.
Each summer she loves going to the church camp at Lake Erie and staying in the dorms with her family for a week.
When Mrs. Bellman was a kid; she didn’t enjoy reading all that much, but now she loves reading and finds it relaxing. Because of this, she decided to get “I love reading” painted on her parking spot.
Her favorite book is The Book of Lost Names, and a book she loves rereading is The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, which has a movie that she enjoyed.
Stacey Bellman’s favorite thing about teaching is that every day there is something that makes her smile.
In high school Stacey Bellman chose student government as an extracurricular activity, trying to discover what she was good at.
Since Mrs. Bellman’s grandma was Irish, if she had a chance, Mrs. Bellman would like to go to Ireland to see where that side of her family started.
Mrs.Bellman mentioned that if she could have any superpower, she would want time travel so she could visit her passed loved ones.
If she could go back to any time period, Mrs. Bellman would choose medieval times so she could wear some fancy dresses. Her other option would be Biblical times so she could meet Jesus.
Some advice Mrs. Bellman gives to students or new teachers is to connect with others. This is something she is also trying her best to do.